Sunday 6 March 2011

Soaked with frutiful stories

Painting posses stories in them. They are not like books which have a plenty of pages with letters telling their contents and enrich our imagination and knowledge.However,they give us similar experiences. They are pulling us into their world and let us think their backdrops by just showing their images.So,visiting museums is one of my favorite activities which allows me to meet a lot of stories on the day in a specific space.This time I went to The Courtauld Gallery for the first time in my London life.

The Gallery is located in the Sumerset House. Its approved collections,such as van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, Manet’s great last painting A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, lead us not to think about its scale which supplies us with relaxed time movement as we don't need to rush to other works.I take time slowly to move on to another vision and if I find a painting fascinating and sympathetic air, I just stop and gaze.In front of 'Lady with a parasol', first, I couldn't see the shape of the painting and tried to figure out what was in the flame. That was a woman looking slightly ahead to her left side,turning back against audience with her parasol painted by black ink. It was so simple but perfectly calculated on the balance on the canvas.The woman didn't tell me a lot but the space did.There were passion in silence and sadness in peace.

Only did I realized that it became afternoon after the trip ended and decided to have a little snack with coffee at the cafe on the lower ground floor where a open terrace was available. Sitting down in the sun, I was so fulfilled with the images and histories that I felt pleasant quietness.


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